Want to purchase items for your business
direct from the wholesaler?

Get a wholesale account with Kerridge Group and save money on quality products for your business.

If your business requires bulk purchasing or a custom list of products for your company network, then we could be the perfect fit to partner with. We are specialists in providing products to; fit out your office(s), hotel, conference centre, or retail store, as well as corporate gifting.

Request a no-obligation conversation with us about how you can cut out the middleman and purchase products direct from Kerridge Group with a wholesale relationship.






Special Pricing


Special pricing is accessed through approved wholesale accounts. Your ‘wholesale website user account’ provides you with a portal to place orders and select what branch/store you would like the goods delivered to, with order payment made via invoice. You also receive exclusive first access to our newest products, as well as a dedicated local (or as close as possible;-) account manager in case you would prefer to talk through your order.

Kerridge Group is a wholesale provider of quality homeware, furniture, art, and bedding. We supply some of New Zealand’s largest and premium homeware retail stores. Find out more here.

Corporate Gifting


We are a great option for providing large volumes for corporate gifting – either for a large on-off event or end of year, or regular ongoing gifting throughout the year.

Corporate Gifting services include:

  • Curation of a custom product selection from our range
  • Custom branded order page
  • Payment portal option.

For more information please make contact

Let’s Talk!

We would love to talk to you about how we could potentially provide you with quality products through a wholesale relationship. Please fill in the form below and a representative from your region will be in contact.

If you already know you want to register for an account with Kerridge Group, then you can do that here.

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